Student Wellbeing

At Kings, prioritising the well-being of our students is a crucial aspect of fostering school engagement and promoting growth. The Student Wellbeing department plays a pivotal role in supporting the social and emotional welfare of all students. Through collaboration with parents, external resources, and the broader community, we employ a holistic approach that promotes equal opportunities in educational outcomes, all while embodying the essence of the gospel. 

Our dedicated Student Wellbeing staff possess qualifications in various areas of support, ensuring the implementation of best practices during school hours. They are well-versed in understanding the appropriate pathways to assist King's families, creating an environment where they feel secure and valued. Additionally, we have a team of exceptional Chaplains at King's who actively engage with students through programs and during breaks, contributing to the strengthening of our community.

King’s approach to pastoral care adopts a multi-layered system of support and guidance, provided by a number of members of our community. Every student has access to assistance and care from teachers, Year Level Coordinators, Heads of House, Chaplains, and the Student Wellbeing team.

From our Blogs

Read a summary of our parenting seminar, presented by counsellor and educator, Liz Giovas.

Why are anxiety and depression so prevalent among our young people today and what can parents do to help them deal with the curveballs life throws at them?